The ULPGC is a modern institution with a long academic track record, committed to quality, efficiency and modernity. It has 21 centres, 1 ascribed centre, 42 undergraduate degrees, 18 official postgraduate programs, 5 on-line qualifications, 45 ULPGC masters and university expert programs and 3 special training programs. Research activities reflect the multidisciplinary nature of our 36 Departments: 12 in engineering and architecture, 11 in science and health sciences, 6 in social and legal sciences and 7 in art and humanities. ULPGC research includes cutting-edge Project in such wide-ranging subjects as oceanography, marine science, aquaculture, computer robotics, nutrition, oncology, ITC, renewable energies, transport economy, business organization, town plan-ning, translation and the history of the Canary Islands, among others.
Since 2012, the ULPGC is the coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus action 2 Project: CANEM (Central Asian Network for Economics and Management). In 2013, the ULPGC also began coordinating the Erasmus Mundus action 2 Projects: CANEM II as well as UNetBA (University Network for Business and Administration) Project.
Within the same year, the ULPGC became partner in the Erasmus Mundus action 2 Project: TIMUR; and IMPAKT in the following year.
In 2014, the ULPGC was awarded with the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships MODCLIM Project – “Strategic Partnership for the Development of Training Workshops and Modeling Clinic for Industrial Mathematics”. In 2015 within the same call Erasmus+ KA2 ULPGC was awarded other three projects: ReVET, MIND and PONCHO with South-Asia, Central Asia and Latin America respectively.
The ULPGC will act as ReVET coordinator. It will be in charge of all the administration and finance policies and reporting between partners and to the Executive Agency. Be responsible for planning, deploying the workplan, coordination of working packages, purchases and mobilities and dissemination activities. The wide expertise will include an academic coordination for the training and for the setting up of the observatory, managing the contents, the professors and teachers to be involved and following- up precisely all the actions related to training and implementation.
Juan Alberto Corbera

Juan Alberto Corbera started collaborating in REVET during WP1 and now is the contact person and main Coordinator of the Project at ULPGC.
Since 2015 Prof Corbera is the Dean of the Veterinary Faculty and from 2017 till the present he is also the Head of the Small Animal Neurology Service at ULPGC.
His CV counts with around 87 Communications presented to International and National Congresses and Symposiums, more than 40 Specialization Courses and more than 100 Congresses organized.
- +34 928 451089/7238
Valentina Grasso

Valentina Grasso (PhD) is graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Messina, Italy, in 2003. Expert in Nutrition applied to International Cooperation and PhD in Animal Health and Food Safety at ULPGC (2013). Since 2013, she has been working as a technical staff for the Erasmus Mundus UNetBA and Timur projects (with the Maghreb region and Uzbekistan respectively). Project officer of the Capacity Building KA2 ReVET and “Improvement of Research and Innovation Skills in Mongolian Universities (ARROW)”.
She is also responsible for the technical and economic assessment of two strategic partnerships Projects: Innovative Technologies in Neurosurgery Study (BrainIT) and Playing Beyond CLIL (PbC).
- +34 928 458 016
Anastasio Argüello

Anastasio Argüello is the current leader of the Veterinary Immunology and Animal Science Research Group of the ULPGC in Spain, and he is internationally recognized as an expert in small ruminant field. He attended University Education at the ULPGC obtaining the degree of DVM (Animal Science) in 1995 and the Ph.D. (Animal Science) in 2000. After a postdoctoral period of research in the USDA (Beltsville, MD, USA) and Bern University (Switzerland), he moved to the Animal Medicine Department of the ULPGC as Assistant Professor and finally gets the Associate Professor with tenure in 2003. Dr. Argüello main field of research and extension interest is small ruminant (immunity, meat and cheese production, quality and safety). He has published 100 of scientific papers in scientific journals and more than 200 abstracts and proceedings in national and international meetings. Moreover, he has conducted research and consulted public organizations and private companies. Recently, he has been designated as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Applied Animal Research (ISI Journal).
- +34 928 458 016