

During the work package 1 (WP1) two experts of each European Partner HEI will travel to Asia to realize an “In depth study of the state of art”.

This in field study will be necessary to develop a quantitative and qualitative comprehensive report of the situation and variables which act in the field of veterinary studies in HEIs of Asian partner countries. Reports are available for download in the “Documents” section of this website.


This WP will result with the creation, design and maintenance of a networking environment as a tool to share all relevant information’s related to the project.
The ENVT is the leader of this WP and the responsible of the online training courses about Bologna Process in European Higher Education Area.

Training on Bologna Process:

  • To access the course,please use the link: http://moodlefc.envt.fr/
  • Choose the course REVET in the category “Divers”
  • At the next screen, choose “Autres utilisateurs” and finally enter your credentials.


Theoretical and practical training of 3 staff members from each Asian partner University, who will move to Europe to the 3 European universities of the Consortium. The 30 Asian staff will be divided into 3 groups; 10 Staff will visit for ten days the Ecole Nationale Veterinaire Toulose (France), 10 staff will visit for ten days the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). The other group of 10 Staff will move to the University of Porto (Portugal). The training will focus on new teaching methodologies applied to the field of veterinary medicine. During the stay, an exchange of knowledge between Asian and European Staff will be held through technical visits to public and private institutions related to the veterinary sector in both countries. The Asian incoming Staff will present also lectures and talks about topics of mutual interest on which they have particular experience and knowledge (for example exotic pets and associated risks). These lectures will be opened to all students.

The ToT will be held in February-March 2018


The programmed activities for WP4 are detailed as follows:

1.- Creation of the REVET Curriculum Committee (CC) in each Institution

  • Activity: Creation of the CC for each Asian Partner. Members proposal must include all the stakeholders: Academic Staff, Support Staff, Students, External professional representatives, External administration decision making bodies (Animal Health, Public Health, etc.)
  • Evidence: Minutes of the Meeting
  • Deadline for submission: 30th November 2018

Link to the Document (WP4) here (You must login to download the documentation).

2.- Preliminary Report about the needs for the subject’s improvement under the REVET project

  • Activity: Elaboration of the report describing the needs for the identified subjects with necessities for improvement (the improvement can include didactical materials, guidelines, bibliographic references, documents, peer reviewed papers, etc.)
  • Evidence: Preliminary Report
  • Deadline for submission: 15th January 2019
  • Activity of the EU partners: 1st March deadline for sending the REVET material for improvement

3.- Review of the Current Curriculum compared to the EU Curriculum (as defined in Directive 55/2013/EU

  • Activity: The study programme leading to formal qualifications in veterinary medicine shall include at least the subjects listed in the EU directive which is a requisite for the EAEVE accreditation system. So, it is needed to compare your current curriculum with the EU’ Subjects as defined in the SOP of the ESEVT (EAEVE) using the excel file template attached.
  • Evidence: Excel file duly filled and completed (ULPGC example attached)
  • Deadline: 31st January 2019
  • Activity of the EU partners: 11th March review of the excel files and report with the calculation of the indicators.

4.- Complete the curriculum SWOT Analysis.

  • Activity: To Realize a deep SWOT Analysis regarding the strategic lines focused on the improvement of the Veterinary Curriculum, including the rubric defined in SOP for curriculum and indicators of ESEVT.
  • Evidence: Template duly filled and completed
  • Deadline for submission: 31st March 2019
  • Activity of the EU partners: 11st March review of the SWOT reports

5.- Define the Strategic Action Plan for improving your curriculum.

  • Activity: To define specific actions which should include the definition, goals, indicators, responsible and timing
  • Evidence: Template duly filled and completed
  • Deadline for submission: 30th April 2019
  • Activity of the EU partners: 13th May review of the reports

6.- Proposal of new Curriculum to your Faculty Board and/or Decision-Making Bodies.

  • Activity: To build a new Curriculum proposal based on the results of activities 4 and 5
  • Evidence: New Curriculum proposal and Minutes of the Curriculum Committee and Faculty Board.
  • Deadline for submission: 31st May 2019
  • Activity of the EU partners: 10th June review of the reports

7.- Final Report about the needs for the subject’s improvement under the REVET project

  • Activity: Elaboration of a final report describing the needs for the identified subjects with necessities for improvement (the improvement can include didactical materials guidelines, bibliographic references, documents, peer reviewed papers, etc.) The EU Partners will be in charge of the preparation of such documents.
  • Evidence: Final Report
  • Deadline for submission: 30th June 2019
  • Activity of the EU partners: 8th July review of the Final reports


Once approved the new Curriculum Content, both new and reinforced curriculums will begin to be used from the third year of the project.
Equipment Implementation:
After being defined the equipment needs of each veterinary school of Asian partners universities, it will proceed to purchase and implement the equipment, following strict viability criteria such as priority, sustainability and efficiency.


The REVET Quality committee will define the roadmap to follow and quality standards to be achieved by each method defined in the new Quality Plan of the Faculties of Veterinary Asian countries included in the project. At the same time, the methodology for monitoring, evaluation and control of the parameters defined in the Plan will be defined. The project aims to develop 2 External Audits throughout the project: 2 technical audits, coinciding with the end of the second and third year of the project and 1 finantial audit at the end of the project.

The Quality Plan – Available for download only for registered users in the Documents section of this webpage.

[WP7] Dissemination and Exploitation

Through this WP the project visibility will be promoted. The Dissemination and Exploitation Committee (DEC) will be in charge of ensuring the REVET visibility both in Programme and Partner countries.

The REVET Dissemination Strategy Plan as well as the promotional materials are available for download in the Documents section of this webpage